Next Conference TBA

Next Conference TBA


For the first time, the lead­ing minds of the reg­u­lated digit­al assets industry gathered in Bavaria’s beau­ti­ful cap­it­al to dis­cuss the hot­test top­ics that will shape tomorrow’s cap­it­al mar­kets and fin­an­cial ser­vices. The live-con­fer­ence happened from Octo­ber 6–8, 2022, with spe­cial side events the day before and the day after.


Block­chain tech­no­logy and the token­iz­a­tion of secur­it­ies are cur­rently on the fast track to revo­lu­tion­ize cap­it­al mar­kets and unlock bil­lions in value. The devel­op­ment pace and dynam­ic changes of this next gen­er­a­tion fin­an­cial products often make it dif­fi­cult to keep track of the cur­rent state. Born by the idea of con­nect­ing the dots, mst­c’s mis­sion is to provide the most up-to-date over­view where the digit­al asset space is headed.
By join­ing forces, brings togeth­er an inter­na­tion­al group of industry lead­ers, renowned sci­ent­ists and prac­ti­tion­ers to con­nect and give answers to the open ques­tions of token­iz­a­tion. The Munich Secur­ity Token Con­fer­ence not only cov­ers top-level con­tent through the lens of reg­u­la­tion, innov­a­tion and prac­tic­al applic­a­tion in fin­ance, but also aims to estab­lish a plat­form for exchange between thought and industry leaders.


Thursday, 06.10.2022

Friday, 07.10.2022 — Live & Online

The paradig­mat­ic shifts block­chain tech­no­logy intro­duces to the fin­an­cial industry are no isol­ated events. Our sci­entif­ic pan­el of top-level block­chain research­ers and eco­nom­ists will shed light on the impact that wide-spread adop­tion of token­iz­a­tion could have and dis­cuss emer­ging oppor­tun­it­ies and risks of the tech­no­logy applic­a­tion for fin­an­cial mar­kets and their participants.


Mod­er­a­tion: Alex­an­der Eisl (ABC Research)

Pan­el­ists: Prof. Alfred Taudes (WU Vienna & Aus­tri­an Block­chain Cen­ter), Prof. Phil­ipp Sand­ner (Frank­furt School of Fin­ance), Prof. Isa­bell Welpe (TU Munich), Prof. Edgar Weippl (Uni­ver­sity of Vienna)

Evol­u­tion of Block­chain Reg­u­la­tion in Europe by Lutz Auffen­berg (Part­ner at FIN LAW)

Well-designed reg­u­la­tions are the corner­stone for encour­aging block­chain-based innov­a­tions and effi­cien­cies in fin­ance. Only reli­ab­il­ity and shared adher­ence to min­im­um stand­ards of dis­clos­ure and con­duct, will make newly emer­ging mar­kets a des­tin­a­tion of choice for investors and entit­ies seek­ing to raise cap­it­al. The chal­lenges of estab­lish­ing an innov­a­tion-friendly reg­u­lat­ory approach will be dis­cussed by reg­u­lat­ors and lead­ing leg­al practitioners.


Mod­er­a­tion: Tom Penn (The Tokenizer)

Pan­el­ists: Ron­ald Frankl (Part­ner at LGP Law­yers), Dimitri­os Psar­ra­kis (Dir­ect­or of the Brus­sels Coun­cil and Head of EU at XReg Con­sult­ing), Mat­ic Nedog (Head of Leg­al at Cryptix AG and Equito), Lutz Auffen­berg (Part­ner at FIN LAW)

World’s first STO in the FMCG Sec­tor by Tristan Brüm­mer (Co-Founder and Chief Mar­ket­ing Officer at JoyBräu)

A reg­u­lated offer­ing of secur­it­ies using block­chain tech­no­logy requires well-struc­tured pro­cesses and involves dif­fer­ent part­ners. At our Secur­ity Token pan­el inter­na­tion­al busi­ness prac­ti­tion­ers will explain the steps of a suc­cess­ful STO and the post-issu­ance life cycle of a token­ized security.


Mod­er­a­tion: Bri­an Eld­ers (Man­aging Part­ner at Sors Digital)

Pan­el­ists: Math­ieu Cot­tin (Co-Founder and COO Tokeny Solu­tions), Amparo Gar­cia Flores (Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Dir­ect­or EMEA at Secur­it­ize), Phil­ipp Sandor (Seni­or Man­ager Sales and Busi­ness Devel­op­ment at Tan­gany), Alex­an­der Rapatz (Co-Founder and Man­aging Part­ner at Black Manta Cap­it­al Part­ners), Tristan Brüm­mer (Co-Founder and Chief Mar­ket­ing Officer at JoyBräu)

Token­ized Assets — 6 Hypo­theses where we might be head­ing to by Ger­ald Hessen­ber­ger (Man­aging Prin­cip­al at Capco)

Token­iz­a­tion offers huge advant­ages for a vari­ety of asset classes, but viable use cases heav­ily depend on the char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the dif­fer­ent fin­an­cial products. The ques­tions which focus areas of the cap­it­al mar­kets are suit­able for block­chain-based solu­tions and what new oppor­tun­it­ies may appear, will be answered in our assets panel.


Mod­er­a­tion: Chris­ti­an Platzer (Co-Founder and Man­aging Part­ner at Black Manta Cap­it­al Partners)

Pan­el­ists: Chris­toph Ruth (Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or at CAPCO), Andreas Sack (), Jean-Paul Tarud-Kuborn (Part­ner and CCO at DECA4 Advis­ory), Chris­ti­an Labet­z­sch (Block­s­ize Capital)

Web1 to Web3: Where we are headed by Michael Gre­den­berg (Entre­pren­eur and Co-Founder of Tokenwolf)

Block­chain tech­no­logy and asset token­iz­a­tion do not just offer mere effi­ciency gains for estab­lished fin­an­cial mar­kets, but open the doors for the devel­op­ment of com­pletely new applic­a­tions. Decent­ral­ized Fin­ance, NFTs and nou­mer­ous oth­er ingeni­ous innov­a­tions will reshape our per­cep­tion of value cre­ation. Our innov­a­tion pan­el invites thought lead­ers and experts from dif­fer­ent corners of the block­chain space to envi­sion the pos­sib­il­it­ies of a decent­ral­ized digit­al ecosystem.


Mod­er­a­tion: Mor­itz Schuh (ABC Research)

Pan­el­ists: Byron Haynes (Asset­era and Chair­man of the Super­vis­ory Board at NOVO BANCO), Con­nor Can­t­well (Part­ner at Cosimo Ven­ture Part­ners), Maurice Tracey (Investor and DeFi Advoc­ate at Defact­or), Bri­an Eld­ers (Man­aging Part­ner at SORS Digit­al Assets)

Saturday, 08.10.2022


The Andaz Munich – a concept by Hyatt – is a 5‑Star Hotel for design lov­ers that inspires cre­at­ive thoughts along­side last­ing loc­al exper­i­ences. In addi­tion to thought­fully designed, spa­cious hotel rooms and suites, the Andaz offers new per­spect­ives on the Olympic Park from the lux­uri­ous spa and Munich’s highest rooftop bar. 

Inspired by the nearby Eng­lischer Garten, its 2,000 sqm events area is the per­fect place for cre­at­ive ideas and innov­at­ive con­cepts. The state-of-the-art equipped ball­room and the multi-func­tion­al foy­er area, both with stun­ning audi­ovisu­al fea­tures, make the hotel a top choice for hybrid con­fer­ences, and any type of excit­ing meet­ings and event in Munich.